Positive Psychology Workshops and Coach Training (ICF CCE Approved)
We offer three workshops to support your personal and professional growth:
Workshop One
The How of Happiness and Meaning Online Workshop:
Positive Psychology Science and Practices to Boost Well-being and Life Satisfaction
The How of Happiness and Meaning seven-week, virtual workshop:
1. Utilizes positive psychology research and life coaching concepts to support your life,
2. Clarifies your passions, strengths, needs, and values to enhance well-being, meaning, and happiness in life.
3. Helps you develop positive psychology projects for personal and professional growth,
4. Outlines keys to discovering your 'ikigai' (Japanese word for 'reason for being'),
5. Empowers you to implement a come alive project with the help of others in your cohort.
Cost: $450 ($400 for Coaching at the End of Life Graduates)
24 hours of training, including 7 hours of synchronous virtual meetings via zoom and 17 hours of asynchronous peer support, practice, and homework.
Upcoming Sessions: TBA
Workshop Two
Positive Psychology and Coaching for the Good Life
(24-hour ICF CCE Approved; 18 Core Competency and 6 Resource Development Hours)
The Positive Psychology and Coaching for the Good Life training is a virtual (online via zoom), program that utilizes positive psychology research and life coaching concepts to help you develop well-being projects for personal and professional growth as you practice ICF Core Competencies of Coaching. Through weekly exercises and group discussion, this workshop helps you identify your passions, strengths, needs, and values and apply the results in a positive psychology project to enhance your well-being, meaning, and happiness in life. Participants also learn how to apply these concepts with others in a coaching context to support their work and advance their credential as a coaching professional with the ICF.
Learning Objectives
1. Develop a come alive or well-being project for yourself.
2. Learn life coaching and positive psychology practices to support your work and others.
3. Participate in weekly group meetings with regular homework.
4. Understand keys to discovering your 'ikigai' (Japanese word for 'reason for being')
5. Implement a project with the help of others in your cohort.
Cost: $695 ($650 for Coaching at the End of Life Graduates)
24 hours of training, including 9 hours of synchronous virtual meetings via zoom and 15 hours of asynchronous peer support, practice, and homework.
Upcoming Sessions: TBA

"Where I have been in life is super stressful, and I recognized a need to calm that all down; so this seven weeks turned out to be a natural process for me to pursue more peace by learning and practicing mindfulness for my 30-day project." - John
“The increase in energy/motivation as a result of this group that translated to other areas of my life was astonishing and welcomed. I quickly became aware that this positive psychology practice was ‘filling up my tank’ rather than another depleting task.” - Ruth

Workshop Three
Positive Psychology Coach Training
(ICF ACC 60-hour Credential)
The Positive Psychology Coach Training ACC via the ICF Portfolio Path is a 16-week small group experience that leads you through a more in depth look at your interests, passions, values, goals, dreams and strengths as you learn and practice ICF Core Competencies of Coaching. You will engage in a series of three-hour weekly virtual meetings, personal inventories and practical application exercises that help you not only design a positive psychology project, but also develop and launch it.
Positive Psychology Coach Training Objectives
1. Design a personalized positive psychology project based on your strengths, goals, and curiosities.
2. Learn ICF Core Competency Coaching concepts that prepare you for ACC credentialing via the portfolio path (https://coachingfederation.org/credentials-and-standards/acc-paths).
3. Participate in 3-hour weekly group meetings via zoom with regular homework.
4. Become happier and healthier. Positive psychology practices boost well-being, meaning, and happiness.
Cost: $2000 ($1950 for Coaching at the End of Life students and alumni; a minimum of six participants is required.)
Includes 60 hours of training (48 hours of synchronous virtual coach training and 12 additional hours of peer support, practice and homework)
Next Session: TBA

“My eyes have been opened up to so many new resources related to positive psychology that I was never aware of. I had been in a dry period in my life for over two years. My life is fuller and has more purpose and focus to it now.” - Rachel