My name is Dr. Dave Stefan. I am a licensed therapist and credentialed well-being habits coach. I also love learning about and experimenting with positive psychology - the science of happiness.
I am a fan of the idea of challenging myself, and others, to live a healthier, happier life. That's the purpose of this blog/vlog resource; my hope is to invite others to experiment with their own well-being and try on new habits for at least 21 days. I'll record and post the conversations here and also invite anyone else who wants to participate in the challenge, 21 days at a time, to test the science and your own limits.
So, stay tuned for upcoming challenges and posts.

My Story
After more than a decade as a therapist, career coach, and college instructor, I formed a production company and set out on an extended global expedition; working and living in 20 states and 12 countries on six continents, I fulfilled a vocation exploration project called “12 Months to Live”.
Guided by the quote, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is men and women who have come alive,“ I brainstormed what makes me come alive.
I drafted a life list framed by the question, “What would I do if I had 12 months to live?” and then mapped out a series of adventures. Each month for a year, I experimented with a new career or personal passion: I worked with the United Nations World Food Program in Nepal, walked alone into the Cascade Wilderness for a three day/three night solo fast vision quest, and shot an adventure film while trekking up Everest.
After completing my circumnavigation of the globe, I rediscovered my calling as an educator and therapist.
Now, I’ve launched a new adventure – helping others dream up, design and complete their own Come Alive and Well-being Projects.
Let me know if you are interested in taking part in a challenge. I am always looking for willing guinea pigs.